Update 25 August, 2014

The most recent batch of ink reviews is now complete, and the best performers proved to be Noodler’s La Couleur Royale and Noodler’s Tiananmen. These will definitely form part of my rotation in the future.

The next batch of reviews should start in a week or two’s time.

I have also created a new set of pages showing my reviews as alphabetical lists for ease of reference. The Reviews page is accessible through the menu. There are also child pages which list just the Ink Reviews and Pen Reviews. More will be added when I start to carry out different types of reviews.

Recent Links August 24, 2014

This should be a (roughly) weekly summary of posts I’ve bookmarked to Delicious, but it’s been a while so there are more links than usual.

Noodler’s Tiananmen – Ink Review

Noodler's Tiananmen - Ink Review
For the last in this batch of ink reviews, I have chosen Noodler’s Tiananmen, which according to the label is a “Specialty Issue”. This isn’t the only Noodler’s ink that is so described, and I’ve already reviewed a few others, but I’ve only picked up on the description now. I’ve not been able to find out what “Specialty” actually means, but the inks from this series I’ve reviewed so far (Ottoman Azure, Ottoman Rose and La Couleur Royale) have all had attractive colours and been good performers.
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