This is the first in the next batch of ink reviews (all Noodler’s again). The delay has been a little longer than expected – sorry about that. This is a shading ink, designed to show a wide range of colour variation, including the “Black Swan”. I bought this bottle in June and is the older (less purple) formulation, since it appears to be identical to a sample I bought a year ago. Continue reading
For the second in this batch of ink reviews, I have selected Noodler’s Bad Green Gator, which is one of the “Warden” series, resistant to the dark arts of the forger. Why I would even be signing an important letter, or a cheque, with green ink I’m not really sure, but let’s park that thought. Continue reading
The first in this batch of ink reviews is for Noodler’s 54th Massachusetts. I can’t say that I’m a great fan of blue/black inks, and considering their common use they rank quite low for me. However, I had seen so many positive reviews of this ink I had to give it a try. The story of the 54th Massachusetts is fascinating and huge, especially for people like me from outside the US, so I won’t even try to summarise it here. Continue reading