All posts by Terry Finney

Recent Links March 19, 2017

A post of recent links. I aim for weekly but rarely achieve that.

Recent Links February 21, 2017

Yes I am still alive, and I’ve clearly been spending too much time on Twitter and YouTube. I also seem to be favouriting tweets by accident when I’m just scrolling through them on my phone – need to watch that in future. Looking back I’ve been doing it for a long time but I haven’t spotted it until now. I think I’ve successfully caught the most recent ones.

Why we can’t have nice things

My wireless SD card, an Eye-Fi Pro X2, bought in 2013, was a nice little card that went in my camera. When I took photos the card synced them to my phone, geotagging them in the process. The photos would then sync to Flickr when the phone was next connected to Wi-Fi. If I wanted to use mobile data I could share them from my phone almost immediately. Most of the photos on this site used that process. There was also a desktop app which didn’t reinstall when I upgraded my desktop PC to Windows 10 last year as I rarely needed to use it – the phone app was still working fine and I was very happy with it.
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