Comments for Stationary Journey One step forward, one step back Sun, 15 Oct 2023 20:47:06 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Update October 15, 2023 by Pamela Barnes Sun, 15 Oct 2023 21:47:06 +0100 Safe travels. We will be here when you return

Comment on Noodler’s Socrates – Ink Review by Bruce Albrecht Sat, 09 Sep 2023 16:26:10 +0100 Excellent detailed review. I share your opinions also finding the colour a bit washed out.

Comment on National Garden Festival 1986 by Andrew Read Thu, 14 Jan 2021 14:29:48 +0100 I have searched high and low for that vocal theme for 30 years, thanks for sharing. I used to have a cassette tape with the instrumental version by the Brighouse and Rastrick I think.

Comment on Noodler’s Ottoman Rose – Ink Review by Bob Thu, 12 Sep 2019 14:03:36 +0100 Thank you for your thorough review. Like you I didn’t see any shading with my TWSBI stub. However, when I inked a vintage flex (somewhat of a wet noodle), I got dramatic shading to my surprise, from pink to a very dark, almost blackish magenta…..

Comment on Noodler’s Heart of Darkness Ink Review by Terry Finney Mon, 07 May 2018 08:53:54 +0100 In reply to Sylvia Ramsay.

No especially unpleasant and “Toxic fumes” would be going much too far. It’s more like a faint smell of TCP combined with alcohol-based hand gel – a bit like a hospital.

Comment on Noodler’s Heart of Darkness Ink Review by Sylvia Ramsay Mon, 07 May 2018 04:52:52 +0100 In the “Ink Review” form, under “Smell” I can read the words “chemical” and “alcohol”. I wonder what the other words are? Is the smell one of unpleasant, or toxic fumes then?

Comment on Noodler’s Black Swan in Australian Roses Ink Review by Terry Finney Tue, 19 Dec 2017 22:39:13 +0100 In reply to Rahul Sharma.

Thank you for your kind comments. I wish I had more time to post but I do what I can!

Comment on Noodler’s Heart of Darkness Ink Review by Terry Finney Tue, 19 Dec 2017 22:37:53 +0100 In reply to GR Harrrelson.

I think you may have it there.

Comment on Noodler’s Heart of Darkness Ink Review by GR Harrrelson Sun, 10 Dec 2017 04:13:40 +0100 Beverly Hills Ninja is the earliest recollection of “the blackness of my belt is as the inside of a coffin on a moonless night” that I have.

Comment on Noodler’s Black Swan in Australian Roses Ink Review by Rahul Sharma Tue, 31 Oct 2017 09:30:39 +0100 Great job here, man. However, when I discovered this ink, today, I had already ordered Imperial Purple from Diamine.

To be bought, next!

Cheers. Keep the good work up.

Comment on Roly by Brian Mon, 06 Mar 2017 15:18:39 +0100 What a beautiful kitty. Rolly looks like such a wonderful friend. Thank you for sharing the photos.

Comment on Noodler’s Tiananmen – Ink Review by Terry Finney Mon, 21 Nov 2016 16:31:48 +0100 In reply to somebody.

Thanks for your comment and sorry for the delay in approving it – I held it until I was in a position to respond and clarify my feelings. I think (although if anyone knows to the contrary they can correct me) that the Noodler’s inks are unique in sometimes carrying political statements which may then more overtly expressed in the associated YouTube videos. I tend to treat these more as a curiosity than anything else, even thought they don’t always correspond with my views. However, I’ve not come across anything yet that would stop me buying a particular ink. Now we are in a time of more polarised politics who knows if that will continue. To be fair I doubt that the views that are being expressed are intended to promote sales or profit – if anything I suspect they will have the opposite effect. Beside, the fall in the UK pound and the increase in postal charges to the UK mean I probably won’t be ordering much directly from the US in the near future. I do have a big backlog to get through though.

Comment on Noodler’s Tiananmen – Ink Review by somebody Tue, 04 Oct 2016 19:33:33 +0100 thanks for this ink. I won’t buy some of the Noodlers ink for politicalizing for profit.

Comment on Noodler’s Liberty’s Elysium – Ink Review by Cody Tue, 04 Oct 2016 19:27:39 +0100 This review has been long over due as it is one of the original 10 ink bottles that I own. I remember wanting it to use for my last semester of university, so it has been about 2 years since I picked up my bottle from Goulet Pens. If you go way back to my first review, you may recall that my Private Reserve Ebony Blue was my go to ink in school. I wanted to replace it with this since it is such a vibrant blue and waterproof!

Over that same semester break, my everyday pen got upgraded from a Lamy Safari to a Pilot Vanishing Point via a Christmas gift! In terms of getting new school supplies for a new semester, this takes the cake. I got myself super pumped up to use my new pen and ink in class, but…… it was a flop. I already touched on it slightly in my Vanishing Point review, but now let me tell you why from the ink’s perspective.

The Flow
It’s not often that I start a review with the negatives, but I thought I would mix it up a little with this one. The flow of this ink has been very hit and miss with me. For example, it flows perfectly in the pen it is in right now (Cross Bailey, medium nib), but struggled in my Pilot Vanishing Point (refer to my story above). It wrote so dry that it would skip and give an inconsistent line. You can see how this would make me think the combo was a flop.

In this particular case, I am going to blame mostly the ink, not the pen, since Liberty’s Elysium is the only ink that I have ever had problems with in that pen. Was it just a dry writer? Did I get a dud? I don’t think so since every other ink that has gone through my Vanishing Point has flowed perfectly.
Since that poor experience with my VP, I will admit that I have used the ink sparingly and only in my cheap pens (I’ll discuss why later). All of these happened to be super wet writers, so fortunately I have not replicated those flow issues again…. yet.

Colour & Properties
The vibrancy of this blue is one of the main reasons that I (and so many others) fell for this ink. There is a very specific reason why this ink is this colour. It is because Brian & Rachel Goulet of the Goulet Pen Company collaborated with Noodler’s to make a Goulet exclusive. As most of you probably know, the Goulet’s sure like their blues and even have their idea of what “Goulet Blue” is, which is exactly what they achieved with this ink.

I am going completely based on memory, so please correct me if I am wrong, but I recall Brian mentioning in one of his videos that they were going for the same colour as the standard Noodler’s Blue, only with permanent features. I used a sample of Noodler’s Blue back in the day and I have to say that it is spot on and I could see why they would want to model this ink after it.

The feature of this ink that the Goulets wanted to add is what sets this ink apart from the standard Noodler’s Blue. That feature is it’s bulletproof properties. What this means is that it is waterproof and will have some resistance to other chemicals such as bleach (didn’t try this one out).

The reason why I wanted this bulletproof feature was because I was going to use it for all of my class notes that I didn’t want to lose if they got soaked. In theory, this ink sounds perfect for a student. For me though, it didn’t quite hit the spot since it didn’t cooperative with my VP, which is what I really wanted to use. I ended up switching back to Private Reserve Ebony Blue for the rest of my school career.

Back to another negative. While the poor flow in my VP was enough for me to put the bottle back on the shelf, it still writes decent enough in other pens, such as this Cross Bailey. That makes this ink good again since it was just an inconvenience to me in one pen… right? Wrong!
My main concern with this ink is the fact that it stains almost anything it touches. I don’t think it is as bad as the infamous Bay State Blue, but I haven’t it to know for sure. All I know is that I usually have a hell of a time cleaning the nib, feed, and converters when I use it. I haven’t noticed any permanent staining yet (not going to try it in a demonstrator) but it sticks around for a few cleanings cycles. This is why I have only been using it cheap Chinese pens since noticing my VP nib unit looking a little blue.
Slight staining on the syringe
Noodler’s Liberty’s Elysium is a widely loved ink, so I might take some flack for being so negative in this review. Is it possible that I got a bad bottle? Maybe, but doubtful since I have read other reports of staining from other people as well.
With that being said, this ink is my Bay State Blue. What I mean by that is that people still use Bay State Blue based on colour, despite the fact that it will stain your pen. The colour for Liberty’s Elysium is the same for me. I know that it will stain my pen temporarily, but the blue is so great that I am willing to put it in my cheap pens, as long as it flows nicely.
If you are thinking about getting this ink, make sure you know what you want because it is more than just a pretty blue. Be prepared that it won’t work in every pen. Know that it will be difficult to clean your pen. Lastly, know that it is a gorgeous blue that won’t o anywhere on the page.
Check out these other reviews of Liberty’s Elysium:
Stationary Journal
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Comment on Cult Pens Deep Dark Green Ink Review by anzhr Mon, 06 Jun 2016 22:12:33 +0100 Cult Pens Deep Dark Green Ink Review… via @terryfinney

Comment on Cult Pens Deep Dark Brown Ink Review by anzhr Mon, 06 Jun 2016 22:11:25 +0100 Cult Pens Deep Dark Brown Ink Review… via @terryfinney

Comment on Noodler’s Black Swan in English Roses Ink Review by Terry Finney Sat, 23 Apr 2016 15:00:41 +0100 In reply to KaSandra Romanos.

Thanks for visiting. In my experience the ink tends to be slightly more reddish when first put down on the paper, then becomes more muted as it dries. It will also depend on the flow of the pen and the absorbancy of the paper.

Comment on Noodler’s Black Swan in English Roses Ink Review by KaSandra Romanos Sat, 23 Apr 2016 07:19:05 +0100 I really love the color of this ink! Did the ink turn the terracotta color over time or when it dried? I have tried ink samples of this ink with white tiger pen as well.

Comment on The Huntsman: Winter’s War Movie Review by Screenmobile MN Sat, 09 Apr 2016 18:34:32 +0100,2013:718829890246578176_favorited_by_131741063

Screenmobile MN

Comment on J Herbin Lavender Scented Ink Review by Refined – Sabiscuit's Catalog Wed, 30 Mar 2016 10:00:50 +0100 [a] Finally, a readable version (gives up)
Collage: Rubber stamp on magazine print; lavender scented ink (in quill) on recycled paper. Photograph: “Pretty Killer” editorial by Ellen von Unwerth, Numéro, Tokyo, April 2016.
What refines you? A mindful process refines me. When a thing feels auto-, it’s time to reset and learn as I go.

[b] Proofread (gives up)
The quill and lavender scented ink are with a friend’s mother. She’s recuperating after a long hospital stay. Writing in a start/pause/adjust style should keep her mind and hand muscles engaged. I practiced for several hours to get a feel for the process. She’s now giving it a try.
Best wishes for healing and innovation in April.
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