Comments on: Noodler’s Tiananmen – Ink Review One step forward, one step back Mon, 21 Nov 2016 15:31:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Terry Finney Mon, 21 Nov 2016 16:31:48 +0100 In reply to somebody.

Thanks for your comment and sorry for the delay in approving it – I held it until I was in a position to respond and clarify my feelings. I think (although if anyone knows to the contrary they can correct me) that the Noodler’s inks are unique in sometimes carrying political statements which may then more overtly expressed in the associated YouTube videos. I tend to treat these more as a curiosity than anything else, even thought they don’t always correspond with my views. However, I’ve not come across anything yet that would stop me buying a particular ink. Now we are in a time of more polarised politics who knows if that will continue. To be fair I doubt that the views that are being expressed are intended to promote sales or profit – if anything I suspect they will have the opposite effect. Beside, the fall in the UK pound and the increase in postal charges to the UK mean I probably won’t be ordering much directly from the US in the near future. I do have a big backlog to get through though.

By: somebody Tue, 04 Oct 2016 19:33:33 +0100 thanks for this ink. I won’t buy some of the Noodlers ink for politicalizing for profit.
